Lost Life Insurance – Association of British Insurers (ABI)

Life insurance policies are an easily forgotten source of unclaimed funds, due to their long-term nature. Sources very conservatively estimate £2bn is languishing in forgotten and unclaimed life policies around the UK.

To determine if a family member who died without a will may have had a life insurance policy that has gone unclaimed, it is often helpful to go through old bank statements and canceled checks to see if any insurance premiums were paid. You might also contact those who assisted with legal and accounting matters, and even speak with past employers about group policy benefits that may be available.

Many local mutuals and friendly societies issued low-premium savings products as a form of life insurance. For assistance with these contact:

The Association of Friendly Societies
PO Box 21, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4PD
Tel: 0161-952 5051 / Fax: 0161-929 5163

Another source for locating closed societies and mutuals is Mutual Societies Registration, an old Register of Friendly Societies that became the Financial Services Authority. Contact them at: 020 7066 4916

In the event you know the insurance company with which a decedent had a policy, contact the insurer directly. A complete Association of British Insurers member list – with details including current address and telephone number – is available online at: https://www.abi.org.uk/About/ABI-members.

Policy Detective offers an online search to determine what became of an insurer, and provides contact information for the institution or its successor, as well as a sample letter of enquiry for unclaimed policies.

If you are trying to find out if a relative or friend has a life insurance policy, but you do not have the policy document and do not know the name of the insurance company that issued it, check bank account and credit card statements for payments to insurers. The ABI and the Unclaimed Assets Register may be able to provide additional assistance.

Lost and Unclaimed Life Insurance Policies
Association of British Insurers
51 Gresham Street
London EC2V 7HQ
Tel: 020 7600 3333
Fax: 020 7696 8999
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